Christiana Figueres, guest curates the Decade of Change Issue of the BJP including Emery’s project ‘Tenchi’
Former Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and leader of the COP 21 that led to the Paris Agreement, Christiana Figueres discusses the role of photography & the arts in understanding the climate crisis: We have to be able to use the power of the arts and photography, not as much to confirm the disaster that science is warning us about, but rather to access a different part of our mind. If we cannot imagine a better future, it’s very difficult to work towards it. Reaching that part of the brain, where we can tap into our ingenuity and our creativity, is the challenge for the arts right now. In Decade of Change issue of the British Journal of Photography, we explore Lena C Emery’s ongoing project, Tenchi: Building A Bridge Between Heaven & Earth, where the German photographer builds a narrative around the idea of sustainable, future cities in which the natural landscape and more considered architecture flow into one another. BJP article